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Agriculture Extensions In India

Agriculture extensions in India

Agriculture skill council of india:

NSFI(national skill foundation of india) is.a lead proposing organization for setting up a sector skill council of agriculture.

ASCI was set up with the support and partnerships of various agriindustry partners. ASCI has been registered as a company under section 25 of companies act 1956 with members from various agriculture bodies like NSAI,NHB, spices board ,mahindra, TAFE,bluestar mahyco etc.

Key strength:

  (1)a team will be well devoted for research and projects.
  (2)strong linkages with the national and international industry.
  (3)it prepares the team with strong execution and capabilities.

Krishi vigyan kendra : 

Based on the recommendation of the Education Commission (1964-66) review by the Planning Commission and Inter-Ministerial Committee, and further recommendation  by the committee headed by Dr.Mohan Singh Mehta appointed by ICAR  in 1973 the idea of establishment of Farm Science Centre (Krishi Vigyan Kendra) was evolved.

Objectives of KBK:

(1)  to provide the better and satisfactory knowledge to farmers.
(2) provide awareness to farmers regarding new technology
(3) soil sampling, soil testing and nutrient availability in soil.
(4) help out the farmers in proper and rejuvenation cultivation in order to enhance productivity hence production.

National agriculture insurance scheme :

The NAIS was introduced by the government of India in 1999-2000 lead by shri atal bihari bajpayi.

The various insurances are provided to the farmers by the government as a agriculture extension services.

Insurance is being given when any loss takes place in the crop which is done by the unfavorable weather condition, heavy rain or any other natural calamity, disease and pest attack.

Types of agriculture insurances :

There are various types of insurances which ate provided by the government of India to motivate the farmers.
(1) versha bima yojna (rain insurance)
(2) Farm income insurance
(3) weather based crop insurance scheme.

Kisan credit card :

A kisan credit card is a card to provide affordable credit for farmers in India. It was started by the Government of India, Reserve Bank of India (RBI), and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) in 1998-99 to help farmers access timely and adequate credit.


National bank for agriculture and rural development.
this is the agriculture bank of india established in 12 july 1982 . its main aim is to provide the financial help to the farmers and to motivate them in agriculture production systems.

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