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Green Revolution

Green Revolution 

The green revolution is a time in which the agriculture increased drastically. The green revolution was started in the period of 1930 to late 1960 and the initiative was taken by the american biologist Norman borlaug and also called father of green revolution .

                  The need of this revolution came when world war 2 came into action and the supply of food was effected which could not meet the proper food requirements of food grains like wheat, maize ,pearl millet and sorghum. It was important to enhance the production of these grains with the limited sources.

Components of green revolution -:

The main components of green revolution are as follows

(1)Use of HYV seeds:

It means the high yield varieties seed which has the better genetic variation, seeds which has the low plant canopy and the height of plant should be less called as ideal plant type.

The HYV seeds are-:
            (a)Genetic variation
            (b)Less height(Ideotype plant)
            (c)Small canopy.
(2)Use of fertilizers:

The fertilizers like nitrogenous, phosphatic,potassic and some micronutrient like zink ,Manganese, copper, nickel,boron. etc.
Fertilizers of different elements-:

(a) Nitrogenous- Ammonium chloride,  Urea, CAN(calcium ammonium nitrate),Ammonium nitrate etc.

(b)  Phosphatic-: Single super phosphate(16%P), Double super phosphate(32%P), Triple super phosphate(48%P), Di ammonium phosphate (DAP)
(C) POTASSIC-: Murate of potash, sulphate of potash.

(3)Use of pesticides:

Use of pesticides like insecticides, rodenticide, herbicide, fungicide etc

(4) Irrigation:

The heavy irrigation system was used to increase the productivity of land and hence the production.

(5) Farm mechanization:

 The use of machines like harrow, cultivators, seed drills ,combine machine etc.

Negative aspects of green revolution-:

(1)The high use of fertilizers and pesticides spoil the soil health
(2) The fertilizers like nitrates causes the disease that is blue baby syndrome.
(3) The chemicals used in cultivation of crops effects the food chain of living beings.
(4) The high use of irrigation turns the soil alkaline by the evaporation.
(5) The farm mechanization increased the bulk density of soil and damages the soil structure. 

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