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Prime minister crop insurance scheme | Message from prime minister to farmers

Prime minister crop insurance scheme

My dear farmers Brother and sisters,
The news of 'prime minister crop insurance scheme' must have reached to you. Farmers in our country again again fails in the risks regarding crop losses because of diseases and natural calamities and by falling prices over last eight years. We have taken several steps to those who faced the problems.
  There have been insurances schemes for farmers before as well  but there were not successful because of some reasons ranging from high high premium rates to low claim value an non coverages of localized crop loss. As a result not more than 20% of farmers opted for crop insurance and those who did faced many difficulties to get their remaining price.

   It was against backdrop that we engaged in detailed consultation with states. Farmers and insurances companies following which i know place before farther brothers and sisters,the farmer friendly prime minister crop insurance. This scheme has following features.

(1) This is the biggest ever government contribution to crop insurances.

(2) As a result will have to pay lowest premium rate

(3) Government will handle to remaining financial burden

(4) There will be one only one premium rate for each season 
for all food grains, oilseeds and pulses -removing all variations in states across all districts and crops
Kharif:2%only|rabi- 1.5% only.

(5) Farmers will get full insurance cover.

(6) For the first time inundation has been included under localized risk cover

(7) For the first time post harvest loses arises out of unseasonal rain have been covered nationally.

This scheme will be implemented from the forthcoming kharif season and it is simple to join and offers maximum security. I welcome your wholehearted participation.
Yours sincerely 

Narendra modi

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